Friday, January 10, 2014

My pet peeves

Pet Peeves In (no particular Order)
1.       Closed minded people: Oh you don’t like my techno music? That’s really great. Thanks for sharing that opinion with me. People who declare something is “stupid” or “bad” simply because they do not have the boldness to try new things get on my nerves. I mean I’m happy you enjoy dressing, acting, looking, and listening to all the same things you and everyone else do.. But please, for the sake of my IQ not dropping from your tremendous ignorance, just keep your opinions to yourself.
2.       Lifted Trucks: It’s not so much the trucks themselves rather than the people who drive them. I mean it’s cool that your vehicle can hardly go faster than 90 mph.. but please stay out of the left lane where me and all the other individuals who drive normally and don’t hog the road go. Its awesome that you spent 3k on a lift kit that raises your truck almost as high as your ego but your probably not going to convince me that getting 6mpg is a good choice for me.
3.       People besides me who tweet too much: If I go onto your twitter and I see that you posted 12 things within the last 30 minutes then you really need to reevaluate some things in your life. Oh you’re going to chipotle? That’s cool, no one cares. I do NOT need to know every single meticulous detail about your life. Thanks though ill pass. This doesn’t apply to me.
4.       Skinny guys who wear tank tops: Okay this one needs clarification. If you’re going to the gym or beach and decide to wear a sleeveless that’s fine. What gets me is that one guy who posts the instagram selfie captioned “On my Grind” with him flexing his 12 inch cannons in the mirror. You’re trying to get big? That’s great, go for it. But please for god’s sake can you please refrain from making everyone stare at your 125 lb “Swole” body. Thanks spaghetti arms.
5.       Overly sarcastic people: Sarcasm is a very effective tool in dealing with some people. But when im trying to have a conversation with you and you can keep from sarcastically answering a single question is when I get mad.
6.       Attention seekers:  I absolutely despise people who go out of their way to get attention.  Sorry, but I will not like your shirtless instagram photo which is a clear cry for attention that says nothing short of “Hey I’m a d-bag who has low self-esteem, please like this photo so I can feel better about myself.”
7.       Suburban Rednecks: You live in a $250,000 house, drive a Hyundai, and listen to Lil-wayne, and country. Occasionally going mudding and sitting in your friends “sick” lifted truck doesn’t make you a redneck. I’m sure you’ve gone to every country fest you could get to. But living in Massachusetts hardly classifies you as a redneck.
8.       People with clammy hands: WASH YOUR HANDS. I understand that some people have cold and sweaty hands at times. But when it gets to the point where I use the equipment at the gym after you and can still feel the greasy sweat all over the handles… You need to get a grip, literally.. How do you hold thing with such greasy hands!?
9.       Modern Hippies: This one applies mostly to the 14 year old freshman females who I follow on twitter. I absolutely do not care about your opinion on modern topics such as Gay right and Abortion. Please stop retweeting things about marijuana and how we need to treat the world with honor and extreme care. You’re not going to change any ones minds about anything. Chill.

10.    Feminists: I’m really glad you feel strongly about your fellow women and rights. But I am truly shocked that you can legitimately believe that women are completely capable of absolutely anything a man can do. Simple fact, it’s not true. We are genetically different and made for different things. I as a man cannot give someone the same love a child needs that a mother can provide… So please stop trying to argue that a woman can offer the same guidance a man gives to his family/children. 

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